The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
- Albert Camus

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Plant profile - Yucca

In Georgia, these used to be called "meat hangers" because the long, sharp leaves were threaded through slabs of meat and tied to sticks for the smokehouse. The plant was used extensively by our ancestors for food, cordage and fire making.

Fresnel lens - Experiment # 2

First there was burning, now we melt something. Stay tuned for water purification and cooking.

Fresnel lens fire

My friend Jimbo asked me to haul his broken television to the dump. I took it apart to remove the fresnel lens (a large sheet of thick plastic covered with concentric circles). The circles are designed to focus light, making it a huge magnifying glass capable of fiery carnage. I'm the only person in my neighborhood that has one. Mwwwhahaha!